Donna Carlisle, Costume Designer / Head of Wardrobe

Donna Carlisle is a costume designer and works as part of our creative team to create the costumes for our SFT productions. That often includes sewing, building, buying, renting, borrowing and reworking stock to meet the needs of each show. As Head of Wardrobe since 2010, she oversees our costume resources and manages the costume shop, including a great team of sewers.

Donna is a graduate from Sheridan College’s Clothing Technique and Design program and has certificates in Business Management from Loyalist College.

Some of her favourite design credits are: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (2013), Hats, The Musical (2011), Forever Plaid (2014), Little Shop of Horrors (2016), Shrek (2019), The Rocky Horror Show (2022), and the always fun, annual SFT Panto.